
coming soon :(

My interests :P

Entry 1 (11/14)

Yesterday was my 17th birthday. I woke up earlier than usual, in a disheveled state. I hadn't showered the night before, and was up till around midnight. I had a lot to get started with. I felt strange, though. I had no plans for my birthday. I hadn't even really considered it until the night before, when I decided whether I would dress nicely or comfortably the following day. My family had asked me what I wanted for my birthday, but I didn't know. They knew it was coming, but also hadn't made any plans regarding it. It would be a long day of responding to texts and posting embarrassing Instagram stories and calling people and saying thank you and being made fun of a little bit and everything else that comes with it being your birthday. I had nothing to look forward to. In spite of all of these seemingly bad things, I couldn't help but be excited. It was my birthday! The BIG 17! A single day to commemorate and celebrate myself. A day where I could do almost anything I wanted, and people would be happy to oblige me. A day full of reminders that I am loved, whether I would like to deal with them or not. Even without the reminders, I would be happy. It was my day. I couldn't help it. I want to look at every day like this. I have a week to look forward to for now. BTW I did end up celebrating. My family took me out to get sushi, and then afterwards I went and got ice cream with my mom. The day was everything I expected it to be.

P.S. One day soon I will make the website look pretty. I'm starting to learn HTML/CSS through, which some other user here said they used. I also want to make a little background/get to know me page so you can picture me better when reading. I am really busy IRL atm so it might take awhile, but eventually this website will be everything I want it to be.
T1ny out (ʘ‿ʘ)╯

Journal Sections: Daily/personal - Include a list of actions. Feeling, Watching, Reading, Eating, and so on. Shrines (he's just like me fr) including killua, claire from tbc, Memories